Videos and Radio
Most of our videos are online; however, we have access to some of the originals that can be downloaded to your computer/removable media device to show in places that do not have internet access.
To download, right-click (control-click on a Mac) on the "Right Click to Download" button and choose "Save Link/Target As..." to save the video. Videos available for download are identified with the following "download image" below the YouTube video link:
Featured PSAs
PSA for Radio - Kairos General Overview (1:00)
PSA for Radio - Kairos Cookies (1:00)
PSA for Radio - Kairos Programs (1:00)
PSA for Radio - Kairos Family (1:00)
Radio Interviews
Featured Videos
Kairos Volunteer Recruitment (4:48)
A Kairos Success Story - Rhonda Jo Bear (3:11)
Doreen shares how the Kairos Outside program helped heal her, taking off the layers of guilt and shame, and allowing her to reunite with her incarcerated son.
A Kairos Volunteer Turns from Drugs to God
How the Kairos Torch Program Impacts Incarcerated Youth
Produced by Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly for PBS